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Digital Payment, Metode Pembayaran yang Semakin Marak dan Digemari

Di tengah modernisasi dan pertumbuhan teknologi yang semakin massif, membuat beberapa bagian dari kehidupan manusia mengalami perubahan. Dampak dari hadirnya teknologi memang membuat kegiatan manusia semakin dimudahkan. Salah satu dampak dari adanya modernisasi dan teknologi ini adalah munculnya pembayaran digital (digital payment). Jika dulu kemana-mana kita harus membawa uang cash dalam dompet, maka saat iniContinue reading “Digital Payment, Metode Pembayaran yang Semakin Marak dan Digemari”

4 Strategi Marketing Masa Kini Untuk Bisnis Retail

Untuk membuat bisnis meraih pencapaian dalam penjualan dengan omset yang baik maka dibutuhkan marketing yang efektif. Marketing atau pemasaran memang menjadi cara untuk meningkatkan penjualan hingga memperbesar omset. Dari sinilah kemudian para pebisnis berlomba-lomba untuk menyusun strategi marketing yang tepat untuk bisnisnya. Salah satu bisnis yang membutuhkan strategi pemasaran efektif adalah retail. Bisnis retail yangContinue reading “4 Strategi Marketing Masa Kini Untuk Bisnis Retail”

Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin

The much anticipated mobile support for iSeller web admin is finally here, thanks to all our customers for the feedback! Need to update product price but forgot to bring your laptop? No worries, just launch the browser from your iPhone or Android devices, and login to iSeller web admin with your account as usual. With full mobile supportContinue reading “Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin”

iSeller Top New Features in April

We are obsessed with supporting small to medium enterprises to overcome their difficulties in multi-channel selling. It’s our mission to provide the best and comprehensive system that help you develop your business. Over the past years, we have delivered various great features that you will find useful and love to use. With that in mind,Continue reading “iSeller Top New Features in April”

iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process

The number of SME business in Indonesia have increased rampantly. Business potential for SMEs in Indonesia is very promising, and will bring a great impact when supported by good business system, such as direct integration between selling and accounting system. Seeing this opportunity, iSeller join forces with Sleekr to simplify bookkeeping and bring new experiences forContinue reading “iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process”

Increase Customer Retention with iSeller Loyalty Point

Customer loyalty is an interesting topic that is discussed everywhere. Many experts in business industry aim to find the most effective and efficient way to achieve maximum customer loyalty. It’s important to focus on customer loyalty and their satisfactions. Loyal customers spend more, spread free word of mouth promotion and visit your store more often,Continue reading “Increase Customer Retention with iSeller Loyalty Point”